Osteopathy at Beacon Climbing Centre.
What is
Get relief for recent injuries and long-standing aches and pains. Osteopathy has long been used in the treatment of muscle and joint pain and sporting injuries. It treats ligaments, muscles, joints and connective tissues. It can be used to both reduce existing pain and discomfort and to prevent injuries recurring. It can also improve flexibility and help to maximise climbing performance. Osteopaths mainly treat:
- Back and neck pain.
- Pelvis, hip and leg problems.
- Shoulder and arm problems.
- Sporting and other injuries.
However, osteopathy can help other conditions such as Fibromyalgia, Sciatica, Migraine prevention, Arthritic conditions and Digestion problems.
Got a
Osteopaths diagnose, treat and manage a variety of problems caused by musculoskeletal disorders. These include:
- Joint pain
- Arthritic pain
- Back and neck pain
- Stiffness and restricted movement
- Sciatica
- Postural problems
If you wish to discuss your condition with the osteopath to discuss whether osteopathic treatment would be helpful to you, please contact Belinda.
Your first visit will involve a full assessment of your condition, and, time permitting, treatment.
In order to make sure that osteopathy is an appropriate treatment for you, a full history of your condition will be taken, as well as a full medical history.
An assessment will then be made of your posture and the movements in your spine and other joints. Osteopaths are trained in the use of palpation (touch) to diagnose problems and this will form part of your assessment. As is the case with many medical examinations, you will probably be asked to undress to your underwear.
Time permitting, you will then be treated if the osteopath feels that osteopathy is appropriate and will be helpful to you.
The initial consultation and treatment can last up to an hour. Subsequent treatments can last up to 40 minutes. The length of treatment depends on the complexity of the condition.
Osteopaths train for 4 years full-time or 5 years part-time. The receive a degree at the end of their training, usually a BSc or MOst (Masters degree in Osteopathy).
Osteopaths are also expected to regularly update their skills. They are required to complete at least 30 hours of Continuing Professional Development a year.
You will probably be asked to dress down to your underwear for you examination and treatment, so wear something that you will feel comfortable in.
Some osteopathic techniques can be uncomfortable or slightly painful. It is normal and healthy to feel some discomfort for up to 48 hours after your treatment. If you are concerned, speak to your osteopath. Osteopathy incorporates a range of techniques and often a more gentle technique can be substituted for a more direct one.
The number of treatments required varies from patient to patient. This will depend on factors such the severity of the presenting conditions, how long you have had it and your overall health. We aim to keep the treatments to a minimum. Some patients find it beneficial to continue with monthly or bi-monthly “maintenance treatments” once their original condition has been resolved.
Get relief for recent injuries & long-standing aches & pains.
About Belinda.
Belinda is registered with the General Osteopathic Council and with the Association of Systematic Kinesiology. She is also a qualified remedial massage therapist.
She has been a body therapist for over 20 years and although she works primarily as an osteopath, combining different therapies allows Belinda to more acurately tailor her treatments to suit her patients.
She respects the fact that different people require different approaches, for the more firm techniques to much more gentle treatments.
- Clinic on Monday to Friday at Beacon Climbing Centre.
- Appointments available at other times.
- Initial assessment & treatment (1 hour) £50.
- Follow-up treatments (45 minutes) £40.
Phone: 07732657799
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.belindaraeosteopathy.co.uk